
Stand Strong in the Lord3 min read

Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

“Stand Strong” is a phrase that I use at the beginning and throughout a sport’s season. I love coaching for many reasons, but my favorite reason is the life lessons I can pass on to the players. No matter what sport it is, life is similar. You have many ups and downs, victories and defeats, failures and successes along with times you are fearful and times you “Stand Strong.”  No matter what happens in a game or practice, my job as a coach is to HELP players through these adversities.

This is exactly what God was doing with Joshua when He put him in command of the Israelites after Moses’ death. Joshua had just watched their fearless leader die and now God was asking him to lead the nation into the Promised Land. How terrifying that must have been. Not only did Joshua witness what God was capable of doing, he knew what kind of people he would be leading. Joshua went from player to coach practically overnight. God knows Joshua and He knows what a challenging situation He is putting him into. God coached Joshua into being one of Israel’s strongest leaders by telling Joshua what to do and encouraging him with His Word: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Wow! What a powerful statement—not only words of encouragement, but words of assurance that God would be with him every step of the way. Joshua was not alone!

Most of us will never be in charge of 2 million or more people, but we all have trials that we are going through. We need this reminder of God’s almighty strength and promise. He IS with us WHEREVER we go. He will supply the courage to tackle any situation and will be with us as we go forward.  Job loss—Do not be afraid, God is with you. Unwanted divorce—Do not be afraid, God is with you. Death of a loved one—Do not be afraid, God is with you.  A challenging student or parent— Do not be afraid, God is with you. ANYTHING— Do not be afraid. God is with you.

Like Joshua, today “Be strong and courageous.” Stand Strong. God is with you.

We pray to our strength and courage Provider:


Today we are struggling to be strong in this world, as we are attacked daily by fear. Teach us to be more like Joshua—relying on God’s promise. We know that we lack this courage and need you to provide it for us, and to be with us in the challenging situations we face daily. Thank You! Thank You for Your presence and gifts of strength and courage. Thank You for the examples You have set for us to see how, when we trust in You and are not afraid, You conquer. We especially thank You for the gift of your Son Jesus, who showed us the perfect example of strength and courage as He went to the cross for our salvation. Be with us as we remember Your Lutheran Schools as they share Your Word with all who enter.

In Jesus’ name we pray with strength and courage, as we “Stand Strong” in You.


Photo (c) digitalskillet/iStock

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About the Author

Keith Trent serves as Assistant Principal and Athletic Director at Peace, Saginaw.

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