
New LCMS Hmong Hymnal1 min read

Hmong hymnal
Rev. Lang Yang holding the two different hymnals at the District Office (photo by Elisa Schulz/Michigan District–LCMS)

Great News!

What a joy to celebrate. It has been a long road that took 11 years to complete, but the LCMS Hmong Ministry finally had the new hymnal published in the Blue and White Hmong dialect.

In 2004, the LCMS Hmong Pastors came together and formed a committee to start on the new LCMS Hmong Hymnal Project in Madison, Wis. The committee went to work on the project. Mrs. Susan Vang arranged the lyrics, Mrs. Roberta Hilgendorf arranged the music, Miss Gaoxee Stephanie Yang did the graphic design and setting, and Rev. Yia Vang and Rev. Dr. Lang Yang did the translation, editing, review, and finalization of the project. After four long years of doctrinal review, the hymnal was finally printed through Concordia Publishing House.

We would like to thank Rev. Blong Vang, Rev. Neal Xiong, and Dr. Wacher Vang for their contribution of reviewing and editing and the LCMS Hmong Ministries. The funding for this project was made possible by: Michigan District LCMS, LCMS World Mission, Minnesota South District, Oklahoma District LCMS, Benediction Lutheran Church, Milwaukee, Wis., the Estate of  Trudy and Tony Kern, churches, and individual donors. The hymnal will be used in North America, Asia, and throughout other Hmong Christian denomination all over the world. May Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ’s name be praised.

Solo Deo Gloria — Glory to God Alone.

Cover photo by Elisa Schulz/Michigan District–LCMS

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About the Author

Rev. Lang Yang is the President of the LCMS Hmong Mission Society and Associate Pastor and Director of Hmong Ministry at St. Michael’s, Richville. He was recently promoted to the rank of Major in the Civil Air Patrol – United States Air Force Auxiliary.

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